Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
Sustainable Urban Drainage
Sustainable Urban Drainage systems are a departure from the traditional system of combined foul and surface water systems.
The solution to pollution control is through incorporating the components of SUD’s into your development and meeting the objectives of the WFD in a sustainable manner.
There are some key principles that influence the planning and design process enabling SuDS to mimic natural drainage by:
Using the management train we establish the procedure through infiltration where possible, however approaching receiving water courses attenuation is essential to prevent contaminated sediments entering the river system.
Incorporating swales, we can allow the infiltration which traps sediments and contaminants in the base of the swale. This allows for the filtration of surface water, while protecting groundwater from contamination, due to a reduction in velocity, encouraging settlement of contaminants.
Conveyance through your site to a location where it’s appropriate for attenuation can be the most cost effective due to the settlement processes that are established on route.
Dealing with the water locally not only reduces the quantity that has to be managed at any one point, but also reduces the need for conveying the water off the site. Usually at a costly charge to the developer.
Contact Us
Get in touch with Derrick Emms directly:
Call: 01506 883366